Patient Ombudsperson and Social Services Ombudsperson
You can contact a Patient or Social Services Ombudsperson if you need advice and guidance on the rights and status of patients and clients in healthcare and social welfare services. We offer help and advice with:
- submitting an objection
- filing a complaint
- filing a notice of injury with the Patient Insurance Centre.
The Patient Ombudsperson and the Social Services Ombudsperson are impartial. Please note, however, that they do not make official decisions and cannot change them.
The Patient Ombudsperson does not take a position on medical treatment decisions.
The Social Services Ombudsperson also provides help and advice in matters relating to early childhood education, including day care and preschool. Day care and early childhood education are the responsibility of the municipality in question.
This is a free service.
Act on Patient Ombudspersons and Social Services Ombudspersons
The new law came into force on the 1st of January 2024. It stipulates that the wellbeing services county is also responsible for organising the services of a Patient Ombudsperson and Social Services Ombudsperson within healthcare and social welfare services that are organised and provided by private entrepreneurs and service providers.
Contact details
Patient Ombudsperson
Telephone 02 627 6078
E-mail (please note that emails are not encrypted):
Tiina Sianoja, Coordinating Patient Ombudsperson
Marketta Varho, Patient Ombudsperson
Päivi Pärssinen, Patient Ombudsperson
You can also use the Messages application to contact us. Through, you can also send personal data securely. From the recipient menu, select the Satakunta Wellbeing Services County and Patient Ombudsperson.
Social Services Ombudsperson
Telephone: 044 707 9132
Email (please note that emails are not encrypted):
Jari Mäkinen, Social Services Ombudsperson